Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA
July Mega Camps


Covid – 19: Message from the CEO Kevin Knapp

The Board and Management of ERCKWA wish to assure our volunteers and stakeholders that every effort is being and will continue to be made to respond appropriately to the Covid – 19 threat. In all that we do, our priority is the safety of our staff, volunteers, kids and families and of course the wider community.

To this end we are receiving, distributing and acting  on up to the minute advice on how to minimize the risk of infection. Please refer to the attached information sheets HERE and additional advice below received from Province Headquarters.

The organisation will be considering the impact of Covid – 19 with regard to its planned operations for the remainder of the year and will take the necessary action to secure the safety of all concerned. ERCKWA will keep its stakeholders fully briefed regarding any changes to programming (cancellations and/or additional safeguarding measures for camp).

Please do not hesitate to contact ERCKWA CEO Kevin Knapp if you have any questions or concerns.


Kevin Knapp
Chief Executive Officer


Information from Province Headquarters:

As you would be aware from the media, Health Authorities have identified cases of Coronavirus in Australia with currently 52 confirmed cases (as at 9.00am 5/3/2020).

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is currently advising that the chance of contamination is low if you are not in the countries most affected or have not had direct contact with infected people. Australians returning from China and Iran are being directed by the Australian Government to quarantine themselves at home for 14 days. Healthcare or residential aged care workers returning from Italy or South Korea are directed not to attend work for 14 days.

The virus is yet to be declared a pandemic by WHO, but the Australian Government and Chief Health Officers are regularly reviewing the situation to decide whether further travel-related quarantine restrictions or additional protection measures, such as bans on mass gatherings, will be introduced. We recommend you monitor Government health alerts for up to date information and advice.

Please read the attached information sheet about Coronavirus which includes measures to help prevent the spread of the virus.

In order to reduce the risk to our staff, we are asking that you

- please notify us if you have travelled to affected areas overseas and/ or have flu-like symptoms

- please implement recommended hygiene measures (see the attached information sheet)

- ensure we have your up to date contact details

- please remain in isolation if you are directed by the Government or if you have tested positive for Coronavirus.

The Province is in the process of developing  a Critical Incident Management Plan, which will initiate an internal response from the Province that will follow instructions from Government health agencies and adhere to each State’s Pandemic Plans, should the virus be declared a pandemic. Our Critical Incident Management Plan will initiate an internal response in order to mitigate the likelihood of death or illness, to mitigate or reduce the potential emergence or spread of an outbreak at our locations (to the extent where possible), and maintain a level of continuity of Province business functions. The Plan is due to be completed within the fortnight, with a communication session held with employees in due course.

If you require further information please follow the link to the Australian Department of Health https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert or for further support, please speak with your Manager, HR (03 8359 0117) or contact our Employee Assistance Program Access EAP  1800 81 87 28.



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