Edmund Rice Camps WA is changing to Thriive

Volunteer Info

Whether you want to be a Camp Leader, Cook or Driver, we have heaps of programs all year long! Please get in touch with us for a list of upcoming programs.

If you’re already a registered ERCKWA Camp Leader, Cook or Driver, get in contact with the following people to express your interest in volunteering for these programs:

If you've never volunteered with ERCKWA before, then there are a few steps you need to take!


  1. Contact Dion Primerano, the Volunteer Coordinator to request an application pack via email cvlswa@edmundrice.org.
  2. Complete our New Leader Application Form, Medical Form, Information Guide & Declaration Form 
  3. Complete 2 x Referee Forms. You must get 2 of these filled out by a non-relative in a position of responsibility – school teacher, employer etc. 
  4. Email a copy of your Working With Children Check card/lodgement receipt (should you require a WWCC application form please contact us)
  5. Complete our New Leader Training & Child Protection Reporting Training sessions which we will contact you about once you complete the above steps.
  6. Start applying for ERCKWA programs!

Dion Primerano

Volunteer Coordinator