Edmund Rice Camps WA is changing to Thriive
Eddie on the Road 2015

Who We Are

Making a Difference by Rising Above

Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA Inc.(ERCKWA) is a non-profit community based organisation that serves the needs of kids aged 716 and their families. We provide camps and other recreational and developmental activities for children who would not otherwise have such opportunities, supporting kids who are ‘at risk’ or experiencing some form of disadvantage.

Given the nature of the service provided, the kids that attend the programs come from all areas of Western Australia, a wide variety of cultural and religious backgrounds and life experiences.

As a not-for-profit organisation we rely heavily on community support to be able to run camps and other programs. This support includes fundraising, donations, grants and in-kind contributions from different groups and agencies.

There are a variety of other volunteer roles available that support the functioning of camps as well as the development of the organisation. These include (but are not limited to) administration support, fundraisers, camp cooks and bus drivers.

The camps provide:

  • Friendship and fun in a safe environment
  • 1:1 ratio of kids to volunteers
  • Positive role models
  • An environment that builds self-esteem and confidence, and promotes appropriate socialisation with others.

ERCKWA promotes and encourages the development of young adult volunteers. A typical camp sees about 30 kids living and working along side 30 volunteer leaders. The role of a leader on these camps is more than purely recreation; leaders need to serve as a friend and mentor to the young people.

We provide:

  • Mega Camps
  • Mini Camps
  • Fun Fests (non-residential activities)
  • A Volunteer Program
  • Group Mentoring
  • Eddie on the Road (regional and remote kids and volunteer program)

ERCKWA runs up to 10 Mega Camps each year. These six-day camps include up to 30 kids and 30 volunteers involved in activities such as team-building, craft, beach games, painting, sport and much more.


Mission Statement

To respond to the needs of marginalized communities and individuals by delivering quality, mutually enriching programs that are managed and delivered by inspired, empowered people in the Edmund Rice Tradition.

Core Values

Presence - Compassion - Liberation

We strive to continue the legacy of Edmund Rice by the giving of ourselves to others, bringing hope and optimism.

We hope to promote to the community, compassion and understanding of the effects of injustice on people in our community.

ERCKWA is a unique community that values acceptance and love of everyone, working together for a common goal.

We aim to encourage people to look beyond all constraining life factors, prejudices and stereotypes. We value people being their true selves and we believe in the power of positive personal interactions.

We strive to provide an environment where all individuals are given freedom of choice, and their beliefs and rights are respected.

Our aim is to empower those who are marginalised, especially children, by providing them with opportunities for personal growth within an atmosphere of fun and friendship.

We aim to embrace our own ERCKWA identity within the wider national and international Edmund Rice Camps context.

Edmund Rice  The Man

Edmund Rice was born in Callan, Ireland in 1762. At 17 he joined his uncle’s merchant business in Waterford and quickly became a successful businessman.

In 1787 he married Mary Elliott. Tragically, however, while heavily pregnant in 1789, Mary died and their child was born premature, with fragile health. Edmund, together with the other family members, took on the role of raising his daughter, also named Mary.

These events came to change Edmund’s outlook on life. Over the next 13 years he became increasingly involved in sharing his time and wealth with the poor and disadvantaged.

In 1802, after leaving his business, Edmund began educating the street kids of Waterford in a stable. Edmund found that the boys were coming to school hungry and poorly clothed so he employed a tailor and a baker to clothe and feed them.

By bringing education and more importantly hope to the hopeless, Edmund dreamed of breaking the cycle of exclusion and oppression. His efforts were geared towards empowering children so that they might have faith in themselves, come to know God and participate in society to their fullest potential.