Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA
2014 Bankwest Sunset at Salter Point

Information for Parents


Would you like your child to attend Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA programs?

Here’s everything you need to know about us!

Each year we take large groups on our programs providing fun-filled experiences where children get to participate in a range of activities with other children and are accompanied by young adult mentors.

All children at Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA (ERCKWA) are referred annually by a referral agent. The referral agent in this case is a third party in a position of counselling, psychology or a social worker / case manager. A person who knows the child well enough to confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria for this program. The referral agent must complete the required forms and pay a fee of $250 (valid for 2024); which is valid for the year. The referral is eligible to be renewed each year until the child turns 16; with the recompletion of the required forms and payment. The annual payment made by the agent will allow the child to attend all programs suitable for their age group at no cost to the family. child can change referral agents from year to year if needed.

Once a child has been referred to us they become eligible to attend the programs allocated to their age group during the year.

Each parent/carer is sent emails inviting them to express interest for their child in the allocated programs. When the expression of interest has been received, a place is allocated on the program to the child attending, pending availability.

Please note that children must fit a criteria based on a number of factors (including age) to be eligible to be referred. For more information about referrals, please see the Information for Referral Agents page.

If you'd like your child to be referred to ERCKWA, speak to a potential referral agent and have them contact us via our Community Engagement Manager.


Safeguarding and Child Protection

ERCKWA is committed to protecting the safety and wellbeing of all children who access our programs. We are a child safe organisation and have a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse. We take all safeguarding concerns seriously.

Child protection is a shared responsibility at ERCKWA. All ERCKWA staff, contractors, and volunteers over 18 must have a current Working with Children Check. Staff, volunteers, contractors and associates have a shared responsibility to report any child protection concerns.
To access a copy of our Safeguarding policy please email the Community Engagement Manager. If you have any questions, please contact:

Mel Raich
Community Engagement Manager
Edmund Rice Camps for Kids Western Australia
0499 145 055