Edmund Rice Camps WA is changing to Thriive
2014 Sticky Rice Kids Christmas Party

Mega Camps

Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA's signature program is the Mega Camp, held in the January and July school holiday periods.

We're delighted to offer 8 Mega Camps every year  each child on a Mega Camp is immersed in four days of fun-filled games and activities designed to build confidence and promote high levels of participation (and lots of laughter too!!).

Many volunteers feel the Mega Camp is the most beneficial and effective at meeting the needs and values of children on our programs. This is mainly due to the length of time and venues allocated to these programs.

The Mega Camp program is held over a six-day period for volunteers, with children attending the middle four days.

The first and last day of the program is run for the purpose of volunteer formation and development, debriefing and feedback. We're committed to evolution and positive change, and treat volunteer formation as importantly as child fun and development.

  The locations are chosen based on their capacity, location and ability to meet the needs of the camp program. All Mega Camp locations are located within a 1.5-hour radius of the Perth CBD.

Mega Camp programs involve the following personnel:

  • 1 Camp Manager responsible for the management of the camp
  • 1 Assistant Manager – assists the manager of the camp
  • 1 Camp Coach  responsible for the management of volunteer formation and development
  • 1 Assistant Coach – assists the coach of the camp
  • 2 Volunteer Coordinators  responsible for developing and implementing the daily program
  • 23 Volunteer Leaders  responsible for supervising the children and accompanying them through all the fun activities
  • 25 Kids  children who have been referred to us and expressed interest in the program
  • Ancillary Volunteers  responsible for catering and transport on the camp program

In the January and July school holiday periods, we hold mega camp programs (4-day programs) for children referred at the beginning of the calendar year. 

A typical Mega Camp involves small group games, crafts, sports, word games, a skit night or even a disco or our infamous jelly games. Multi-choice times allow kids to pick up the football, try their hand at finger-knitting or whatever else they prefer. There’s never a dull moment on an Eddie Rice program! A constant throughout is lots of delicious home cooked and nourishing food. 

All of our ERCKWA activities are based on a 1:1 volunteer to child ratio to give the children much-needed one-on-one time.