Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA
2014 Sticky Rice Kids Christmas Party

Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA Inc. Biannual Survey

Dear Eddie Ricer,

Twice a year (February and August) Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA will conduct a survey to seek feedback from everyone who has been involved in our organisation in some way. We value your feedback and will use this to measure our performance against set strategic performance measures and to further improve our operations. Thank you for your contribution to Edmund Rice Camps and for taking the time to complete our survey.

To take part in this February's survey please follow the link provided below. The survey will be available for completion until 5:00pm Wednesday 28th February 2018.


Kevin Knapp
CEO-Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA


Please note that you are welcome to contact me or another member of staff at any time to raise concerns, share successes or make suggestions. Please also note that we will continue to seek feedback from the kids on our camps using our simple feedback forms and with the support of our leaders



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