Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA
Eddie on the Road 2015

Board Update

Dear Edmund Rice Community and Stakeholders

I would like to share with you and extend my congratulations to both Amy Dabb and Brian Ferreira on their recent appointment as Board members of Edmund Rice Camps for Kids WA.

I trust you (Brian and Amy) will gain as much satisfaction during your tenure as I have thus far.

These appointments provide an added degree of comfort and confidence since both Amy and Brian are well known to many of us. Amy has presided as our ex officio Secretary over the past twelve months and I sense she has much more to offer in an official Board capacity. Likewise Brian has been actively involved in many of our Governance projects and has also taken more than a token interest in other aspects of our activities including our strategic direction and fundraising events.

Their professionalism and expertise provides additional depth and further enhances our Board skill sets and I look forward to working alongside them over the ensuing twelve months and beyond. 

Tony Manso
Board Chair      



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