Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA Edmund Rice Camps WA
March Mini Camp




After over 8 years at the helm, Tony Manso has decided it is time to step down as our Board Chair.

Tony’s Eddie Rice journey began in 2011 as a cook on one of our camps. Says Tony, “It was clear that ERCKWA provided a really valuable offering for camp participants – both kids and volunteer leaders. I was touched by how genuine everyone was in giving the children the best time possible and felt inspired to offer my skillset around the Board table.”

After two years on our Board, Tony became Board Chair in 2014. Over that time, he has been a steady source of knowledge and insight for his fellow Board members and our Chief Executive Officers, Kevin and now Meg.

Tony has created a highly positive and engaged atmosphere on our Board that led to many robust discussions about ERCKWA’s governance and strategic direction. I have no doubt that his calibre of leadership is why we’re in as strong a position as we are.

Says Tony, “I’ve been inspired by the marvellous people I’ve met along the way and have enjoyed working closely with Kevin, Meg and my fellow Board members. I’m very grateful for everyone’s contribution. I’m honoured to have influenced how we’ve achieved our goals as an organisation.

I wholeheartedly recommend being part of ERCKWA to anyone, as a volunteer, committee member, team member or Board member. It exposes you to things that money simply can’t buy – the smiles of the children on our camps pay dividends. It’s only fitting that I should come full circle in my journey and be cooking on our upcoming programs in August!”

Tony’s ongoing mantra that he instilled in us Board members was to always come back to why we do what we do, to ensure the children and our volunteer leaders are front of mind.

I aim to build on Tony’s legacy during my own tenure as ERCKWA’s Board Chair and I am immensely humbled to have been tapped on the shoulder by him.

On behalf of our Board, team and volunteers, thank you, Tony, for everything you’ve done (and will continue to do!) for Eddie Rice.

Rowena O’Byrne-Bowland
ERCKWA Board Chair



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